The Bond Between Brothers

I saw it the very first time my boys met. I could almost feel it. My oldest son’s eyes were full of awe, excitement, and curiosity as daddy introduced the newest addition to our family. He stared lovingly at his baby brother even though he was still a baby himself at only 13.5 months. It was love at first sight and a moment that had the power to melt anyone’s heart.

The bond that was formed that day has only grown in the past 9.5 months. Both of their faces light up with huge smiles every time they see each other when waking up in the morning. They love giving hugs. Benjamin wants to be just like his older brother, so he tries to take all of his toys. We are still working on sharing… I see a long road ahead! Tyson is always concerned about the baby. If I take him somewhere alone and he sees the baby’s car seat is empty, he asks in the sweetest voice, “where’s baby?” Almost implying that I forgot him! When Benjamin wakes up from a nap and Tyson hears him on the monitor, he runs to the bedroom to greet him. It’s so sweet. Tyson even tries to soothe Benjamin by giving up his pacifier if he’s fussy.

The Bible talks about brotherly love quite a bit and I believe it’s for a reason. The love that brothers have for each other before they can even talk is apparent. I am a witness.

“Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love; in honor giving preference to one another.” Romans 12:10


“Let brotherly love continue.” Hebrews 13:1


“I am distressed for you, my brother Jonathan; you have been very pleasant to me; your love to me was wonderful, surpassing the love of women.” 2 Samuel 1:26 NKJV

I love having two boys so close together. I never thought a sibling would bring Tyson so much joy. And I know they will only grow closer as the years pass. This is one of the reasons everyone should have more than one child 🙂