The Most Uncomfortable Day of the Year

It’s the day dreaded by most women. The one day each year we have to reveal all of ourselves to some stranger. It’s the one person who can get us naked on the first “date.”  They ask the most awkward questions and don’t beat around the bush. The appointment takes over an hour even though they can’t spend too much time with you. If you haven’t figured out who I’m talking about yet, take a quick guess. You’re right, the dreaded gynecologist.

I had my yearly exam this morning and went to a new doctor because my insurance changed. So, I only knew him by his online reviews. I’m usually a little anxious before these appointments, but today I was a little more nervous because a) I was going to a new place and b) I had never met the man. It’s awkward uncomfortable. I’ll be honest.

After filling out new patient paperwork for 15 minutes, the nurse called me back from the waiting room. She took my weight and blood pressure and took me back to a room to ask me some questions. I smiled and made conversation, trying to keep the mood lighthearted in my nervousness. Not once did she crack a smile. She was all business and treated the patients like an assembly line.

“How old are you?” She asked.
“Twenty four,” I answered.
“Have you ever been pregnant?”
“Yes, twice.”
“Any abortions?”
“Umm, no…” I wanted to go on, but held my tongue. This question bothered me. Maybe because I’m pro-life. Or maybe because abortions are so common nowadays and it made me think of all the unborn babies who are being killed each year.
“Are you sexually active?”
I wanted to ask her if she read my chart at all because I checked the “married” box, so I would hope I was sexually active! If not, I don’t think my husband would be a very happy camper, haha. But I calmly replied “Yes.”

After various other questions, she told me to go back out in the waiting room. Then another nurse called me back. She wasn’t much better. She asked if I was a new patient and I said yes. Side note: GEEZ, DO ANY OF YOU LOOK AT MY CHART!? I was expecting a “Well, I’m glad you chose our office. I hope we make you feel comfortable.” Instead I got a cold description of what was going to take place.

She left the room and I got undressed. I sat there in those wonderful paper garments, shivering, waiting for the doctor and wondering why they have to keep the rooms so dang cold! He came in and didn’t waste any time. He started feeling my boobs and putting objects and fingers in places I shouldn’t mention. But we all know what happens, right? Well, after a couple minutes, he was finished and said, “Have a nice day.” And I was thinking, Yeah you probably do if you do that to a bunch of women every day! I got up feeling completely violated.

Thank goodness I don’t have to do that again for another year.