15 Ways You Know You’re a Mom of Boys

My life is far from boring. Being a mom of two boys under the age of 2 is quite entertaining. I’m sure many of you can relate! My boys are definitely ALL boy. I’m sure I could create a never ending list, but here is a list of 15 ways you know you’re a mom of boys:

1. You’re always feeding them. Some days I feel like I never leave the kitchen!

2. A scratch on their face or bump on their head doesn’t shock you. It’s always funny when someone (usually my mom or mother-in-law) asks where one of my sons got a scratch, bump, or bruise, and I answer I don’t even know! It’s like they just randomly appear!

3. You find a nacho cheese Doritos hand print on the butt of your white pants. Yes, this happened to me last week. I guess mommy is as good of a napkin as anything!

4. You aren’t scared of a poopy diaper. It happens. LOTS of it. Up the back, out the sides. Anytime. But usually when you’re getting ready to walk out the door.

5. Inside voices don’t exist. This one is self explanatory. I’m not even sure my toddler knows what shhhh means.

6. Things are being thrown constantly. Everything is a ball. Enough said. Flying objects don’t even scare me anymore.

7. “Don’t hit each other” are common words that come out of your mouth. I’m not sure why boys are so fascinated with hitting! My toddler actually thinks it’s funny and laughs when I say ouch.

8. Sound effects are part of your vocabulary. Sometimes I think boys are born knowing these noises. A new one comes out daily.

9. You get headbutted when you least expect it. And it hurts! When did kids get so strong?!

10. Getting farted on doesn’t phase you. Need I explain?

11. You freak out if your kids are quiet. As the saying goes, a quiet child is a suspicious child.

12. You don’t need toys as long as you have dirt. I don’t even know why I go to the trouble to buy toys. Dirt can entertain boys for hours. I think Oh, he will really like this ball! Then he ends up playing with the bag it came in! On Christmas, the wrapping paper was cooler than the gifts.

13. Wrestling is your favorite pastime. I cannot sit on the floor without being jumped on.

14. Your kids love being naked. Who needs clothes anyway? Only wearing a diaper is much more comfortable!

15. When they stop what they’re doing and hug you, it melts your heart. I love being a mom of boys. They bring me so much joy and laughter.